Matlab Haiang (N2R – ZAAL, B-1B): We tried to give a personal report and see if we could give any more and take on the community if we are able. Jihan Chen was the most experienced part of the team as we gave a performance of 5th at OTVL’s 2 week LAN (6th at EU Minor) which led me to believe that he is still very strong and the fans are very capable. We have a well planned roadmap for this year and we think we will be able to continue this year. Mihaiang Lee will be the focus of this year, just as we have had a large squad during the past 5 years to hold events and do a tournament (TLC 2 Week 2nd at OPC), giving us a great opportunity to give constructive feedback. After 5 years L2 has been really focused on getting LPL and NA teams together and work together for 2018 and beyond. Also, we will provide the support and training we requested and need. The final team i would like to thank for sending over its support over 50years ago is Natus Vincere, their fans and the team itself. They will be doing a great job together to promote the quality of the professional level professional LAN tournaments this year. The EU qualifiers for the R4L was extremely successful, and we felt like each LAN (2 week LAN) will be a huge success this year. We worked hard to create the top level atmosphere to help bring back the teams that have really been really great. Natus will be working very hard to raise the fans that attend tournaments for LPL, NA and their country. The game is in very good shape with many teams competing for some of the most prestigious prizes. In terms of funding, we really did not know what to expect. And really, we would hardly expect any bigger than this. We hope